What is your pass rate?
We have been training people to become ADI’S for over 10 years and here is our pass rates for 2016/17. 2016 13 part 2 11 passing 9 first time. 10 part 3 7 passing 3 first time. (current national pass rate for Part 3 is approximately 34%)<<<2017 to date>>> 7 part 2 5 passing 3 […]
How much are licence fees?
The licence (badge) fees are payable to the DVSA. A trainee licence (pink badge) is currently £140 and valid for 6 months. An approved driving instructor licence (green badge) is currently £300 and valid for 4 years.
What is a trainee licence?
A trainee licence is a 6 month licence to teach. You will need to have passed your Part 2 test and completed the Part 3 training to qualify for a trainee licence. It will allow you to teach pupils and gain experience before sitting the part 3 test.
How many times can I sit the tests?
You can sit the Part 1 test as many times as needed until you pass. You are only allowed to sit up to 3 attempts at Part 2 and 3 – If you fail either of these tests 3 times you would need to start again.
How much are the test fees?
Test fees are payable to the DVSA. Part 1 test is £83. Part 2 & 3 are £111 each. If you fail then you must pay to take another attempt.
Can the training be done around my current commitments?
Yes, we will where possible be available around your current commitments.
Where does the training take place?
Training takes place in an area close to your nearest local test centre that provides the part 2 & 3 tests.
How long does the course take?
The main factors that will determine are waiting times at the local test centres and if you are passing first time or not. A normal wait for a part 1 test is 2-3 weeks. Part 2+3 tests can be 4-6 weeks.